Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Special Visitor

It had been almost 15 weeks since Cameron and I had seen his Daddy, and we were all in need of some family time, not least of all Clark! It is a ridiculous amount of time to be apart, and we swear we will never do it for that long again.

Clark is still on the clock until the end of August, so our time together was limited, but the 10 hour trip here and back was worth it for all of us!

Since time was of the essence, Clark left after work on Saturday, and drove through the night. I didn't exactly sleep all that well waiting for his safe arrival home, and woke up almost as soon as he walked through the door, at about 5:00am.

I was a little nervous about Cameron meeting him again. He is still pretty young, and I was unsure as to how he would take to him initially. Clark walked into his bedroom while I was sat playing with him. Cameron acted a little shy, and coy, but had a huge smile plastered on his face the entire time. It took him all of 30 seconds to throw a ball, and bring his Daddy toys to play with, and not much longer before he was dishing out kisses and cuddles for him. He knew exactly who he was. It melted my heart to see them back together again. He has always been such a Daddy's boy!

Our first day together was laid back. We went for a family walk together around the neighborhood, had Clark's parents over for dinner, and played in the back yard. Cameron got a little hockey stick recently, and though I have tried to help him play with it, I am not quite as skilled in that department as Daddy! He sure had a ton of fun.

The weather held up for the entire visit, and we were able to spend our second day at the local outdoor pool, eating our picnic, splashing in the water, and soaking up some rays!

Not even his Grandparents spoilt Cameron quite like his Daddy this trip! Though I have never seen him eat so well! Mealtimes are a different place with Clark around!

The first Tuesday of every month is our family grocery shop day, and this was no exception. I was a little bummed initially when I suggested we still did it, but by the end of our long shop, I was so relieved Clark was here for it! I honestly don't know how anyone does a big grocery shop alone, with toddlers in tow!

Wednesday afternoon saw us at a lake, picnicking with some lunch, a Slurpie, and a couple of DQ Blizzards. It didn't take long for Cameron to find his way into the water! He loves it!

Wednesday also saw Cameron's 3rd missed nap in a row! Needless to say, our little guy is DEFINITELY NOT ready to give those up yet! He was a grumpy terror by bedtime, but still had it in him to give his Daddy a nice goodbye. They read a few books, played together, and cuddled for prayers.

Watching Clark drive away for the second time this summer, was a lot harder on me than I expected. Though I do my best to keep my emotions bottled until Clark leaves. I know he doesn't want to go, and it's so much harder for him than me, so I try not to make it even harder. What keeps me going now is the knowledge that this stretch will be a piece of cake compared to last time. Just over 3 weeks until our family is together again!


Max and Sarah said...

I love this post! I am so happy you all could be together and this next time is relatively short! xo

Jarmans! said...

Oh Man I bet he looked so good to you after that long. That is a ridiculous amount of time apart. Lance and I were apart for 4 weeks and we both almost died! haha. Glad you got some good family time in, hang in there! :)