Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In case you weren't already convinced!

Every day more and more people comment on how much Cameron looks like his Daddy, yet Clark STILL can't seem to see it! EVEN after looking at this picture! Here is Clark with his Grandpa...7 months older than Cameron is now.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tegan's First swim

Look at this little cutie pie! Man is she ever adorable. I know I am biased, but I swear her little face gets sweeter each day! I found this cute swimsuit for her at Target this Christmas. It's 6-9 months, so still plenty big for her, but it still worked out!

She definitely enjoyed the warm water as much as Cameron did his first time. She was very relaxed, and lasted over an hour without even a whimper!

Here are both Tegan & Cameron with Daddy, right before their first swimming experience!

Photo Update

A new addition, and another photo shoot meant it was definitely time to update the photos in our home! Here are the new additions in our family room...

We also got a few of Tegan's photos printed off, and did her crib wall, much like we did when Cameron was born. I actually found the letters for her name on sale at Target while I was in the States this past summer. I painted them pink before we hung them!

Here is a reminder of what we did for Cameron's room...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1 month old Baby Tega

Cameron's vocabulary is just the cutest these days. I almost don't want him to talk properly at all! Tegan has therefore been dubbed "Tega", thanks to Cameron. What a cute little name!

Her check-up with the doctor was at just over 1 month old. She now weighs in at 9lbs 12oz, and 22 inches. They really do grow soooo quickly in the first year, and she's already close to outgrowing clothes!

Aaagghhh....we just love her so much! Cameron is so cute with her, and helpful. He really loves his little baby sister.

She is much more of a cuddler than Cameron ever was. She prefers to sleep right next to me, and it's taken a little while to get her into a routine. I have already had to move her into her own bedroom! She has just recently started to clue in though, and last night was our best by far with a 7 hour stretch.