Sunday, November 8, 2009

40+ week bump

Well....the due date has been and gone, and the bump is still in plain sight! We will keep you updated......if it EVER happens!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Birthday Surprise

It's birthday number 30 for Clark on the 5th, and although that just so happens to be my due date, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do something special for him this year! So I planned a surprise party for him, with some good friends. No big deal I thought....I'll just keep it simple, and have a little get-together. It turns out that even a "little get-together" is a boatload of stress when it's a surprise!

Keeping it from him up until the day of the party was no big deal. I thought I had everything under control! I told Clark I was going out with my sister in law to the mall for some girl shopping, which was my alibi for getting all the food and decorations I needed for the party. Our little nephew got sick though, and she couldn't come out with me. Clark had a work meeting, so I had no way of getting out of the house to buy everything! I started calling people, but with no luck! My last resort was my next door neighbor. I showed up on her doorstep practically in tears! Luckily she was available to drive me around, and stored it all in her garage until I needed it in the evening.

I had arranged with one of Clark's friends to take him out to rent a movie or something. He was coming to pick him up at 6:00...all the guests would arrive, and he was to be home at 7:00. Clark called him at 3:30 however, and asked to be picked up at 4:00 instead because he was bored at home! It actually turned out for the best....there is no way I could have been prepared with everything I needed to do in just 1 hour! I felt bad that Shane had to figure out how to entertain Clark, and keep him out of the house for 3 hours though!!!!

Another dilemma was attendees! I had invited about 13 couples along, half of which had to back out on me at the last minute due to the H1N1 epidemic that's hit Lethbridge! It seems like everyone is getting sick around here!

Thankfully almost everyone showed up on time! We had a few late comers...people that couldn't make it any earlier, but the surprise remained a surprise until it was supposed to, and the rest of the night went smoothly!

Clark's first comment was in reference to masking tape. haha...he was very concerned about the decorations taped to his walls! I had streamers hanging down...he thought I must have decorated for halloween, and didn't understand why I had used GREEN streamers! All these thoughts were fleeting until he walked far enough around the corner, and everyone shouted surprise! And don't worry too much...the tape didn't wreck our walls!

There was no cake at this party. Clark isn't a huge cake fan, so I had his Mama make 30 miniature Lemon Meringue pies. Those he IS a big fan of!

He was a happy boy after the kids fingerprints had been wiped off all the glass at the end of the night! So the stress was worth it. I was kind of hoping all my nervousness would put me into labor! No such luck yet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

He's not ALWAYS right

I officially own a diaper bag....and a cute one. Clark suggested that we already had a few black backpacks somewhere in the basement. Thanks for saving me with your cuteness, Petunia Pickle Bottom.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Our landscaping is finally done! Clark worked overtime for a solid 3 weeks to get it all finished, and what started out as a couple of piles of dirt, now look awesome!

Here's the front yard, we still intend to plant a tree in the front, probably next year though. What a difference grass makes!


Clark put a rock water feature in the front. It's sooooo heavy! Quite the ordeal!

Walking into the backyard...

Clark built the retaining wall, and came up with the idea for the rock steps to overcome the sloping backyard! The Bulldog statue we found in Regina during the summer, his name is Iceman.

We have 9 trees in our little backyard! It'll look great when they're all grown!

Our little garden. Hopefully we'll be able to plant something one of these years!

Staining the fence is still on the schedule. Clark started doing it, but then it got too cold, then rained, then snowed! It could be a while until he's able to finish it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Daisy turns 1!

Happy Birthday to our little puppy girl! She is officially 1 today, and we had a little party with Cousin Corson, and her neighbor friends to celebrate!

Mommy made her a cake, and although she couldn't eat it, she was so excited to have so many visitors, and presents too! (Yes, that is my belly sneaking into the shot. Baby Platt wanted in on the action too!)

Corson gave her a bone shaped doggie cookie...

She was a little unsure as to what she was supposed to do with it at first...

but with some help, she got the idea!

...and the Baker girls gave her a vibrating ball...complete with Daisy covered wrapping paper, and a card!

What a lucky puppy!

Friday, August 14, 2009

...'til the bitter end

Summer 2009 is coming to an end. Despite the boring nature of our stay in Regina, Saskatchewan, it's hard to believe that we have been here 4 months already. Perhaps I deserved a seemingly faster summer in my "condition", or maybe time is bound to move along a little more quickly when you spend most of your time throwing up, sleeping, and throwing up some more. Although the weeks may have been slowing down the closer we get to our departure, I am more than happy to have waved goodbye to the sick days!

I guess if I had been blogging this whole time, my last post of the summer wouldn't be quite so long winded, but as it turns out, we haven't done all that much in 4 months anyway!

Daisy is officially the best dog ever. She has kept me company during the long lonely days, and dragged me outside for some exercise when it's been nice. She sure has been missing Clark since he's been gone working though. Recently, she has taken to whining at his side of the bed in the morning, until he lets her up!

At, the end of June, we took her to the lake downtown for her first swim, which was hilarious to say the least.

She was a little nervous at first, but soon warmed up to the idea when a stick was involved!

The middle of the summer brought more fun for the Platt family. Clark and I were able to head home one weekend, for our mid-pregnancy ultrasound. The trip home was wonderful in itself. Although 6 hours each way was a long drive for just a weekend, our house still smelt like new, and I can't even begin to explain the good nights sleep we both finally got being back in our own bed!

We had hoped to find out what we were having at the ultrasound, but baby decided it would be more fun to keep it as a surprise, and clenched it's little legs together, so there was no peeking! We were a little disappointed at first...but we have totally warmed up to the idea of having a surprise at delivery, and the most important thing is that everything looked healthy.
It was sure fun to see our little baby moving around in there. I was 18 and a half weeks pregnant at this point, and had been feeling it kick for a good couple of weeks already, but it was great for Clark to have a little more sense of reality.

After dropping Thomas off at the MTC in Provo, Mama, Genna, Matthew and Kiera were able to stop by for a few days, to check out our sweet abode here in Regina. The weather wasn't our friend for the most part, and much to Matthew's dismay, we spent a lot of time at the mall! We also made sure to check out the hotel pool though! Matthew and Kiera were a little wary of Daisy upon first meeting, but they soon warmed up to her, and she is now apparently their "number one dog". Eat your heart out Cocoa.

Lucky for her...and me, while my family were here, we stumbled upon a cute little paddling pool type thing, with fountains. It's about a 10 minute walk from the apartment, and on the hot sunny days, it keeps us both cool, since our place has NO AC! Don't even get me started on that.

Clark's parents also came for a brief visit after my family. They were here for just a day and a half, but having visitors sure gave me something to look forward to! I was pretty exhausted after a tiring week, but happy to have had some entertainment!

It's not easy being without a car. It has limited my activity somewhat! Especially in the area we live. I have only once decided that I needed something from the grocery store so badly, that I walked the 3 hours there and back to get it! Thankfully there have been a few occasions where I have had the car. Last week was one of them, and it couldn't have come at a better time! As we inch closer to our departure of the Queen city, the excitement begins to make the days feel like weeks. My sister-in-law feels the same way. Her husband is doing the same thing 2 hours north of where we are, and, thanks to the freedom of having a car, I was able to go and stay with her for all of last week. So it zipped by like a charm, Daisy and my little nephew, Corson, kept each other entertained, and Ashley and I finally had each other to laugh at when her Wii fit congratulated us each day we weighed in heavier and heavier. (She is pregnant too!)

Daisy is sure going to have fun having even more kids to play with soon!

Clark is more than ready to have a break from all this selling, and we both can't wait to head back home and start landscaping our yard, and preparing for our new arrival, not to mention, sleeping in our own bed! The last selling day is August 29th, and we'll hopefully head home a day or so later. We're here 'til the bitter end...2 weeks, and counting.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Almost 2 years later....

In September of 2007, I decided it would be a good idea to sign Clark and I up for a blog...and it's taken me a good 23 months to do anything with it! I had hoped to chalk my laziness up to "Blogging" being so damn difficult, but it turns out that when you actually try, it's not that hard at all!

It's in fairly good timing though. Despite having not blogged many important events since Clark and I have been married, it seems I am still in time for the most important experience of all; the birth of our first child. It is still a good 3 months until D-Day, and I'm happy to have finally set up our blog before I have NO time left on my hands to figure this thing out!

For now though, this summer has been spent out here in Regina, SK. It's been a successful year, but we are sure excited to get back home! It's been a very low key summer for me, especially being pregnant, so for the next 3 weeks anyway, I should have plenty of opportunity to update the blog! We'll see how I manage!