Thursday, October 7, 2010

Minnesota fall

It seems this has been quite the location for photos lately. I had to take advantage of the sunset, and fall trees there before we left. Here are some family pictures of us in Minnesota, October 2010. Cameron is a week shy of 11 months.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The birthday before the birthday

Us Platt's head home this week, and the Macmillan family wont have the opportunity to be around for Cameron's 1st we threw him a warm up party before we leave. Mama made a fabulous cake for him. It was my idea to change the middle to a "P"...I thought it was a cute idea since it now matches our sons initials...apparently though, I was messing with tradition a little too much!

Cameron sure enjoyed his first taste of cake though! He was a little unsure at first, and kind of prodded it with his fingers, but after tasting the frosting, he was sold!

Needless to say, his bath had plenty of floaties in it.

Surprised, and perhaps thinking it was already his 1st birthday, Cameron figured he better get a move on with the whole walking thing. After his bath, Clark handed him his walker, and he took 5 steps with it! Within a few minutes he had decided it was time to walk up and down the street with it! Perhaps we should have had his party even sooner!

A date with the Twins

It's been a long time since Clark and I have actually been out sans Cameron...and as much as we LOVE him, (and maybe miss him quite a bit when we do leave!) it was time for him to spend some quality time with Grandma.

We went to watch the last game of the Twins regular season in their brand new stadium. It is gorgeous! Our seats were awesome, behind home plate.

The sun didn't quite make it to our location though, so it was a little chilly after a while! We took a walk around the stadium, got a few photos, and watched the last couple innings in the sun! There isn't a bad seat in the house!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jack Jack & V

I am far from professional by any means, but I do love a good photograph shoot. Cameron is obviously my main practice subject, and who could complain. He makes any photo look good! I do occasionally get to expand my horizons though.

A friend contacted me after realizing I would be in Minnesota for a while, and asked me to do a little shoot for her kids. FYI: The cutest little faces ever!


It's not that all your husbands are bad, it's just that mine is so much better than yours. Here is more proof....

The boy is back in town

It's been almost 2 months since Daddy left, and it's sure been nice having him back again. He even surprised us by coming a couple days earlier than we expected!

Daisy knew who it was right away! Cameron was slightly unsure at first, but warmed up to him in no time, and they are already "best buds" again!

We didn't have a whole lot of time before Clark had to leave again for a few days, but we've been out and about, enjoying Minnesota together while we can. It was great to catch a Vikings game, hit up Mall of America, and we plan on checking out the Twins in their new stadium before we head home.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

10 Months

Still no breaking tooth news, but the little guy is still as cute as a button! He's still walking along the furniture, and has stood alone for a few seconds at a time, but it seems like he is saving his big steps for when Daddy's around!

Speaking of...Daddy gets here this week! We can't wait!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The top first?

At almost 10 months old, it's hard to believe Cameron is still not sporting any teeth! I have done my research though...and it's supposedly a good thing. For him AND me! I am certainly one of the few "still-nursing-at-10-months" mothers, who has no chance of a swift nipple bite.

Unfortunately for him, he has been teething on and off for a while. Months in fact. Lately though, it's definitely been more "on".

I have a habit of trying to see what's going on in there. He's caught on, and clamps his lips tight so I can't sneak a finger in to feel around. Naturally, I was peeking on his bottom gums until I caught a glimpse of him laughing....and look what I found...

While there are still no actual teeth, there is a definite explanation for the discomfort I can quite obviously see my little man in...and trust him to do it all his own way!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Little man

My recent Babysteals purchase was this super cute tie. What a stud.

New victims

I have plenty of chances to photograph my family while I'm here. It's great to have a few more unsuspecting subjects I can pounce on to practice my hobby.

Here are a few of my beautiful siblings.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

1600 Miles

Thankfully my parents arrived the same day Clark had to leave, so I had little time to wallow in self pity. They had arrived by 5:30, Dad packed up the car a little, and we went downtown to show them a few of the Ottawa sights.

We ate dinner down in Byward market, saw Parliament Hill, and stayed long enough to catch the light show.

After packing up the rest of the car the next morning, we were on our way to our first stop by 9:00. Palmyra, NY. There is plenty to see for church members. We checked out the Visitors Centre, Hill Cumorah, The Smith farm, and the Sacred Grove.

We went on from there to our hotel in Buffalo for the night. We were on our way the next morning to Niagara Falls, before continuing our journey. It was a little out of our way, but totally worth it. The view is a million times better from the Canadian side of the border, but the wait to get across can get pretty ridiculous, and I didn't feel much like trying my luck with another customs officer. Going through the border is not the smoothest operation for a resident of both countries.

Still, Niagara is amazing. It made me want to see much more obviously, but it is phenomenal none-the-less.

Niagara was our last stop. We drove for the rest of the day, and got to Chicago late that night. Dad decided it would be a smart plan to go through Chicago at night, to save ourselves enduring the morning rush. Day three of our journey allowed me two opportunities to finally eat Panera!!! That excitement gave me the last push I needed to make it through all the driving!

Cameron and Daisy both did amazingly well, and we made it to Minnesota in fairly good time, despite some traffic on the last day, and numerous tolls! Now all I'm eagerly waiting for, is Cameron to catch up to the time difference here!