Sunday, August 28, 2011

Whoop-Up Days Fair

Since the Whoop-up Festival is still in full swing, we decided to take advantage of everyone being home, and head to the fair. We enjoyed plenty of fatty fried food, lemonade, shaved ice, and watching the kids on rides.

There was even a little section for the miniatures of our group, and Cameron got to experience his first ride without either Clark or me with him. Total success!

Well...until it was over! Poor little guy was soooo sad to be taken out. The ride attendant came and unbuckled him, and Cameron tried his hardest to buckle it back up to go again!

Cupcakes and Cousins

Now that the selling season has finally come to an end, we are able to have the Platt Family together again. Clark's sister came down for a weekend visit, and all the cousins had the chance to see each other again after close to 5 months.

Mine Dada!

Clark had only been away for 3 1/2 weeks this time, so I didn't expect Cameron to have such a drastic reaction to his return. I woke up the next morning, and began feeding him his breakfast. Clark walked down the stairs, and peeked around at Cameron. Cameron didn't even hesitate. He began talking to him about his breakfast and favorite TV show like he had never even been away! It was quite hilarious how non-chalant he was about the whole deal!

He has been pretty clingy with his Daddy ever since, just as I expected! The second morning, "Where Dada?" was the first thing out of his mouth when I got him up from bed.

Guess what Honey?

Possibly the bravest thing I've ever done. Not dying my hair so drastically different, but the fact that I did it without hubby's approval. Eek!

I had planned to do it a couple of days before he got home, and when he called on Wednesday to say he was headed home the next day, I panicked, and had to do it the day he was driving back. I was a little nervous to say the least!

I think it turned out great though, and am really enjoying the change. Clark really likes it too, which is the most important thing! Happy I took the plunge to the dark side!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whoop-up Days

I was up at 7:30am today! I don't know how real mother's do it. My eyes stung for the first 25 minutes I was awake. The funny thing is, we were sat down, and ready for the parade before most of the participants were! Our timing was a little off, and it ended up starting an hour later than we thought. Cameron sat very nicely in his chair though. At least until it started!

He was very excited for Papa to arrive. He loves his Nana, but he is most definitely a Papa's boy!

They gave out some popcorn, and he was occupied for a good 15 minutes with that, and a little pop from his grandparents! He kept saying "more, more more!"

He did enjoy himself when the parade started. He loved the big trucks, flags, and horses, and even quite enjoyed the bagpipes, clapping and dancing along to the music.

But most of all, he loved the balloons! He even went and got one of his very own!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Play-date at the park

I think my kids are going to both be pretty lucky. There are a lot of boys Cameron's age in our neighborhood, including his cousin, and it seems everyone is having baby girls this time around. So they will both have friends very close in age.

Over the course of this Summer, Cameron has matured enough to really understand interacting with other kids. It means that I can finally now take full advantage of that wonderful thing Mother's like to call "play-dates"!

Today's cooler weather called for a trip to the park with my friend Brooklyn, and her little boy Jack, who is only a week or so younger than Cameron. We set up our blankets on the ground, and the boys got right to playing on the park.

After stopping for a little packed lunch, they were back to playing again until we left for nap time. What a great way to spend the morning!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby names

It's baby fever in our ward. There are 7 babies due over the next 4 months, including little Platt-ski. Not only that, but 5 of the 7 are supposedly girls, 1 is a boy, and 1 unknown.

It will be so fun for them to have little friends the same age, but it makes me a little nervous about naming!

Clark and I have had our little girlie's name picked out since before we were married. It would have been Cameron's name, had he been a girl. I'm actually surprised that we not only still love the name we chose over 5 years ago, but that I think I love it EVEN MORE now that it's "attached" to a little person.

So since baby's name is confirmed, it's time to play the waiting game, and hope that she is the only one with this name by the time all 5, possibly 6 girls are born! It's not that I wouldn't still name her what we have chosen, but I will likely be the last of the bunch to give birth, and I don't want anyone thinking I loved their daughters name SO much, I had to copy them!

So far there have been two girlie births, and neither have been said name! Whew!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Through the eyes of my phone... doesn't seem to be going so badly. Though it could be a whole lot better!

While I am counting down the seconds until the love of my life walks back through the door, I am doing my best to keep both Cameron and I busy. He is sure growing up lots this summer.

He loves all fruit, but especially cherries. It's quite hilarious to watch him eat them. He puts the whole thing in his mouth, and eventually spits out the stone. I have to admit, it makes me a little nervous watching him eat them, but as with most things these days; he insists on doing it himself!

He is one heck of a good eater now. I had a seriously hard time getting him to put anything in his mouth other than snacks for a while there, but since Daddy's visit, he is a changed boy at dinner time. He ate a whole plate of rice, bread and pork curry tonight! It's shocking!

He's also very good at saying prayers beforehand!

We recently got to hang out with some of Cameron's cousins who were down visiting! He hasn't seen them for a while, and has matured quite a bit since then, so he enjoyed playing with them.

Cameron's starting to do pretty well in Nursery at church. He had a very hard time there while we were in the States, and most Sundays I had to either stay with him, or he would be brought back to me in tears! In the 2 weeks he has been home though, there has been major improvement! Making it the whole time on both occasions, and apparently not making TOO much of a fuss.

He has also taken to cleaning very nicely. I am sad his desire for it will almost definitely not last, but for now, his efforts are *usually* appreciated!

I hit 24 weeks along in my second pregnancy. Well, at least I think I did! Still no official due date until my medical ultrasound September 1st, but I think I'm pretty accurate with my assumption. Excited to be over halfway done, and eager for it to continue speedily!

I'm feeling so much better now too. It seems like overnight I began to feel more like myself again, which has been a huge blessing since being back home on my own. It has meant lots of days like this....!

There are a few outdoor pools around here that have been keeping us occupied. We've been a few times with "Nana & Papa", then once when Daddy came home, and today we headed there with our neighbors.

We tend to go during nap time though, so the little man was pooped as soon as we were back in the truck to head home!

He's got the cutest little white bum though!

...and some seriously blonde hair!!

Here's hoping the next 18 days are just as easy!