Monday, June 27, 2011

A Birthday for the books

I decided to baby myself out for my birthday this year. There aren't too many things that make a fatso happy...especially not cute clothes.

My day started out with a wonderful gift. Being able to see BOTH my beautiful kiddos. I went to Bella Angel for a fun 3D/4D ultrasound. It was pretty amazing to see something so tiny with it's little fingers, and some very long legs and feet! I will post more soon about my visit there...but it was a lot of fun, and so amazing.

I finally ordered myself a stroller! It should be here by tomorrow, and I seriously can't wait!

and a "big enough for two" diaper bag, which should be here sometime next week.

And every preggo girl needs herself a pedicure! Since it's a little uncomfortable doing them yourself!

What more could a pregnant birthday girl need? Oh yes, her husband. I sure miss him...especially today, but we're more than half done now, and there are only 2 months to go!


Cameron and Wendy said...

Isn't it funny how your wants change when you are going through different phases?? My City Select was "technically" my birthday present this year, and I was so excited! Ha ha! Who would have thought that a stroller could bring so much joy? LOL. Now I am contemplating spending the rest of my money at Pottery Barn on things for the house....hmmm. Glad you had a great day!

Grorc said...

Lol, which one gets the under-seat?

Platt family said...

It seriously is so funny...but I am so excited for it! haha. And Cameron will be at the back until I stop using the infant car seat...then they'll switch.

Grorc said...

Let me know how it works. We spend $200 on a nice double stroller and two weeks later David stopped using it. ... want a double stroller?

Platt family said...

Haha...thanks. Cameron still loves the stroller. Playing outside for us really means me walking him up and down the driveway in it!