Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Day in the Capital

There are a few things you just have to witness first of which are the festivities of Canada Day in Ottawa.

The afternoon saw the Prime Minister and the Queen of England arrive, and give speeches, along with a few other noted Canadian guests. The jets flew over, the canons went off, and they had the changing of the guard.
Despite the crowds, Clark got us an AWESOME spot up on Parliament Hill. We laid down our blanket, and watched the Canada Day concert with performers including Barenaked Ladies.

Unfortunately, Cameron had a pretty rough day. He's been extremely tired, and has a snotty little nose. Needless to say, our "sweet" spot was a little too loud for him to get some beauty sleep, so we had to give it up, and move further away.

The distance gave us a new perspective though, and I got some great shots of the crowds up on Clark's shoulders!

We walked around through the sea of red and white, and made our way up to another park to watch the late night fireworks.

All in all it was a tiring, fun day, full of good music, lots of walking, great sights, amazing atmosphere, and plenty of second hand weed.

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