Sunday, August 1, 2010

We miss daddy. Already.

This summer has taken a different turn for us. Clark's office has been moved 6 hours outside Ottawa, so the company gave up our original accommodation for some new ones a whole family wouldn't fit in! Not only that, but there was no way for Cameron, Daisy and I to get home to Lethbridge with no car, and all of our summer stuff. So we are improvising.

My family had planned a trip up to visit Ottawa the second week of August, so they agreed to bump their trip up a week, so we could travel back with them to Minnesota, and stay with them while Clark finished up work in Ontario. Originally it was a month we'd be apart, but he since got an offer we couldn't refuse, requiring him to stay on an extra month.

The good news is that my family now get 2 months to see Cameron! Living so far away is hard on them, I know, so this will be an exciting bonding time I hope. Clark works long days during the summer, so having the extra help, and company day to day will be nice for me. I'm excited about spending time with them, and being in MN. It's been a while!

The sad part is that we are now apart from Clark for 2+ months. That's 2 months he doesn't get to see his son learn new things. Potentially his first tooth, first steps, and maybe even his first word. Parents should never be apart from their kids. It's not fair.

It was hard for me to watch him leave. There were many times we spent apart during our dating relationship, and it was tough then... it's even harder now. We don't get sick of each other, least I don't get sick of him! The nature of this job allows him to be home almost 24/7 during 8 months of the year, and I love it. It's not a conventional set up, for some people, its maybe too much of a good thing! But it works for me. I can't believe I got so lucky. What are the odds of finding someone in this world that you can spend every second with, and love each one more?

As hard as the separation will be for me, I know it will be even harder for Clark. He has more than one person to miss. I appreciate his sacrifice for our family, and hope it is all eventually worth it. Only one hour after seeing daddy drive away, we already miss him, and are counting down the days until he is home with us again.


Jarmans! said...

Oh That's to bad...:( When Lance left for 3 weeks to the Philippines I went crazy without him! Nice you have your family tho...that will hopefully help! Hope things pick up for Clark too! Hang in there!! At least you have some nice bikini's to wear, eh?!

Cassi said...

This makes me sad for you. But more angry because you should have come to Utah to see me!

kelseyp said...

Samantha.. this is Kelsey by the way. I found your blog through Victoria. I totally feel your pain! I am without Spence for at least 2 months. It is so hard. One of the major downsides to this job.. when you are back in Lethbridge lets get together and have that photography date. It seems only right given that we have twin cameras.