Sunday, August 8, 2010

8 Months

My lack of laptop has put me about a month behind on my blogging, so I'm doing my best to catch up now!

Cameron's last month was quite an eventful one. He started it off with the measles! Baby measles that is. Which thankfully has no side effects other than a 12 hour temperature of 104, and a bumpy rash.

His 8 Month check up saw him grow half an inch, but lose weight....which can be attributed to the measles, his new found love of crawling speedily everywhere, and the fact that our apartment was a consistent 1000 degrees.

He is still as cute as ever though. He's learnt to pull himself to a stand, and now loves to watch TV 3 inches from the screen.

I took him to the park for the first time, and he loves the swing.

Here are a couple more 8 month shots of the little guy. (Taken July 23)

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