Friday, December 9, 2011

Lady Baby

The night of December 1st was a little crazy. Knowing exactly what awaits you the next morning sure makes it difficult to get to sleep! It also happened to be ridiculously windy, which added to the challenge. Cameron woke up twice that night as well, which is extremely unlike him! What bad timing, considering I had to be up and ready by 6:15am.

My sister-in-law came over to watch Cameron until he woke up a few hours later, then took him back to her house for breakfast. Clark and I were at the hospital by 6:30am. We were all checked in, and asked a bazillion questions. My OB/GYN decided to break my water at about 8:00 to see if that would initiate labor on it's own. I felt some cramping, and dilated a little more, but by 10:00, there hadn't been much of a significant change.

I had an IV started just after 11:00 to actually induce my labor. By 11:30 I was having real contractions, which were about 2 minutes apart by noon. I was told to request the epidural pronto by the nurse if that was what I wanted, since she thought my labor would move fast. Thankfully the anesthesiologist arrived much quicker than with Cameron, and I was much more comfortable by just after 12:00.

As soon as my epidural took effect, and I was able to relax a little, Clark decided it would be a good time to move the truck, and pick up a few treats assuming he would be sat down for another few hours awaiting baby's arrival. I was checked just after he walked out, and was 6-7cm. 5 minutes later I felt a lot more pressure, and was checked again, now at 9cm! The Doctor was paged, and the nurse called Clark's cell phone to have him come back quickly! He didn't answer, but walked through the door just in time!

I pushed for only about 15 minutes, and our little baby girl was born. I felt like I coped with her labor far better than I did with Cameron's, but her delivery was far more painful, despite it being so much faster.

Tegan Samantha Platt was born December 2nd 2011 at 12:42pm. She weighed in at 7lbs 2oz, and 20.5 inches.

She has quite the lungs! She seems much louder than Cameron when she wants to be. The first night she was awake for quite a lot, which was very different than with Cameron, who slept the entire time. She seems to have settled comfortably into the day/night schedule though, and already sleeps as well as her brother did. She is definitely much more of a snuggler though, and I have yet to get her to sleep an entire night in her own bed!

We were discharged from the hospital almost exactly 25 hours after her birth. Her weight had dropped to 6lbs 12oz. But at her 1 week check-up today, she was 7lbs 7oz.

We have already settled into life as a family of 4, and are enjoying her.

Cameron sure loves to get right in her face, and say "Hi baby Tega". He loves her, and asks about her constantly.

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