Thursday, December 29, 2011

The ride of your life

Since we were in Minnesota for the Christmas season, we definitely took advantage of Mall of America shopping. Cameron and Tegan both did very well being traipsed around such a large mall. Cameron even enjoyed trying on "accessories" in Urban Outfitters while waiting for Daddy.

Before leaving, we made sure to have plenty of time to show Cameron the theme park, and take him on a few rides. There were a couple that he really enjoyed...

And one that he really DIDN'T...!

We checked out the huge Lego "Woody" at the Lego Store before heading home.

All in all it was a very successful visit. Other than Daddy torturing him, by putting him on one super scary ride! ;) Cameron had so much fun on the other rides though, and was sad to leave. We are excited for our next visit when Cameron is even bigger, and will enjoy more.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Minnesota Christmas

Tegan thankfully arrived just in time for us to make our trip to the States. Her Birth Certificate hadn't arrived, but since we decided to drive rather than fly, crossing the border with her was a non-issue with some hospital paperwork.

The drive went surprisingly well. We left around 9:00pm, so we could drive through the night, and hopefully the kids would sleep. Tegan was pretty scheduled, and woke every three hours or so for a feed. Cameron slept fairly well, and the iPad kept him entertained during his waking hours! They both did really awesome, and we arrived at my parents house at 7:00pm the next evening.

We arrived only a couple of days before Thomas and Katie's our first full day was spent up at the outlet mall finding me a dress to wear! So happy to be *close* to regular size again, meant coming home with about 10 outfits to choose from! Merry Christmas to me! :D

Thomas and Katie's wedding went great. It was a long day for Cameron, but by the end of the night, he still had plenty of energy to dance the night away! He was so funny, and I am sad none of his crazy moves are video documented! :(

The next week was spent doing some hard-core Christmas shopping. Christmas morning was exciting. The older Cameron gets, the more aware he becomes, and we're really enjoying it!

He has REALLY started to love "Toy Story", so he was "Toy Story" spoiled on Christmas Day! With Buzz, Woody, Rex, a little Lotso bear, and anything and everything else related!

Santa's big gift to Cameron was the Rockin' Elmo, which he is also pretty attached to! Needless to say, he was a mighty lucky kid!

Both Grandparents got him Thomas the Train sets that build together, and some trains. He has had lots of fun setting it up and playing with Daddy when we arrived home.

Clark and I also had a "successful" year! Clark broke his age-old skates a while back, so he got treated to a brand new pair. We also went to a "Wild" hockey game, "Vikings" football game, and a "Timberwolves" basketball game. Along with mountains of new clothes, I also got a camcorder, and can finally capture our little munchkins greatest moments.

Tegan was barely 3 weeks old for her first Christmas, so everyone was low key with her. She got some adorable clothes, and a few cute little baby toys.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Macmillan Fam 2011

For the first time in a couple of years, the whole family was in the same place at the same time! This is my side of the family complete with date, that is! Brand new baby Tegan, and the family's newest "official" addition...Thomas' wife, Katie.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby's First Haircut

Well, I guess technically he's no longer a baby, especially now that he is a big brother to a teeny tiny sister, but he'll always be my little boy. He has always had the cutest, to-die-for blonde curls, and it took me a good 2 years, plus multiple comments on my cute "girl", to finally take the plunge, and chop off some inches. I thought I might cry during the process! What if it no longer went all cute and curly!?

We had a friend do the honors, since she is currently serving in Nursery at church, and Cameron is just in love with her! We knew he would sit as still as can be for her...

She did an awesome job! The curls are still in existence, and he looks cuter than ever.

Family Photo's 2011

I love little newborn photos, and I'm always eager to get them done after my kids are born. I had a friend start up her photography business recently, so I was excited to take advantage of her talents this time around!

She did an awesome job on Tegan, and captured some real beauties. This is Clark's favorite, which we decided to use for the announcements.

It's so hard for me to pick a favorite...I love them all...but here are some of the best...

We also got a few great ones of Cameron...

And since we were all together, a few updated family shots as well...

Busy while I wait

I have been pretty crafty lately! I found this cute idea on Etsy, and figured I could make it myself for pretty cheap. Plus, it gave me something to involve myself in while I waited for Tegan to evacuate my belly.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lady Baby

The night of December 1st was a little crazy. Knowing exactly what awaits you the next morning sure makes it difficult to get to sleep! It also happened to be ridiculously windy, which added to the challenge. Cameron woke up twice that night as well, which is extremely unlike him! What bad timing, considering I had to be up and ready by 6:15am.

My sister-in-law came over to watch Cameron until he woke up a few hours later, then took him back to her house for breakfast. Clark and I were at the hospital by 6:30am. We were all checked in, and asked a bazillion questions. My OB/GYN decided to break my water at about 8:00 to see if that would initiate labor on it's own. I felt some cramping, and dilated a little more, but by 10:00, there hadn't been much of a significant change.

I had an IV started just after 11:00 to actually induce my labor. By 11:30 I was having real contractions, which were about 2 minutes apart by noon. I was told to request the epidural pronto by the nurse if that was what I wanted, since she thought my labor would move fast. Thankfully the anesthesiologist arrived much quicker than with Cameron, and I was much more comfortable by just after 12:00.

As soon as my epidural took effect, and I was able to relax a little, Clark decided it would be a good time to move the truck, and pick up a few treats assuming he would be sat down for another few hours awaiting baby's arrival. I was checked just after he walked out, and was 6-7cm. 5 minutes later I felt a lot more pressure, and was checked again, now at 9cm! The Doctor was paged, and the nurse called Clark's cell phone to have him come back quickly! He didn't answer, but walked through the door just in time!

I pushed for only about 15 minutes, and our little baby girl was born. I felt like I coped with her labor far better than I did with Cameron's, but her delivery was far more painful, despite it being so much faster.

Tegan Samantha Platt was born December 2nd 2011 at 12:42pm. She weighed in at 7lbs 2oz, and 20.5 inches.

She has quite the lungs! She seems much louder than Cameron when she wants to be. The first night she was awake for quite a lot, which was very different than with Cameron, who slept the entire time. She seems to have settled comfortably into the day/night schedule though, and already sleeps as well as her brother did. She is definitely much more of a snuggler though, and I have yet to get her to sleep an entire night in her own bed!

We were discharged from the hospital almost exactly 25 hours after her birth. Her weight had dropped to 6lbs 12oz. But at her 1 week check-up today, she was 7lbs 7oz.

We have already settled into life as a family of 4, and are enjoying her.

Cameron sure loves to get right in her face, and say "Hi baby Tega". He loves her, and asks about her constantly.