Friday, November 11, 2011

Cameron turns Two!

It's hard to believe how fast these last two years have gone. He is such a great kid, and we love him to pieces!

He is still a skinny little guy, but tall, at exactly 3 feet. He loves to throw balls, and play hockey. He enjoys his scooter, and loves getting out of the house, and going for car rides. He is very animated, and his language skills are improving rapidly.

The cake is the big deal for me. I think about it for weeks in advance because I enjoy it so much. He is into a couple of things these days. He has 3 stuffed animals that go to bed with him...A little Bulldog, Pooh Bear, and "Raaa". (A lion).

For his birthday, we decided to rent out a pool and board room at a hotel. We invited some friends, spent the first hour in the pool and hot tub, then ate some pizza, cake, and opened presents.

Cameron has been talking about getting a bike for a few months now, so Daddy and I came through for his birthday, with a brand new Orange Strider bike!

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