Friday, October 28, 2011

The ninth month

Pregnancy usually slows everything down, but life is moving super fast for me these days. My mind switches back and forth between excitement for our new arrival, and anxiety. My schedule with Cameron is down to a science, and I'm nervous about having to do it all over again, incase I totally screw up! The fact that "every kid is different" doesn't seem to instill much confidence in me either.

However, I am lucky beyond belief that I have a husband who is not only almost always around, (in the cooler months anyways!) but that is very hands on when it comes to being involved in his son's life. He loves him more than words can explain. Nothing makes Clark happier than Cameron...and nothing makes me happier than to see them play together

This fact alone relieves most of my worry, and I really am eagerly awaiting baby girl's debut.

It's officially less than 1 month away.....whatever "officially" really means in my case! I am of course *hoping* for a delivery at least CLOSE to on time, but who really knows! Time sure does S....L....O....W......D....O....W....N as soon as the due date comes and goes, and all of a sudden, patience runs out! Especially this year, since I am banking on still making it to my brother's wedding, and Christmas at the Macmillan home in Minnesota.

As far as pregnancy goes, I did have an emotional hurdle to jump through this week. I had a 35 week check-up with my family doctor. Everything looked fine, but I came to find out after trying to book my next appointment with him, that he no longer delivers! I was pretty upset, not that he necessarily wouldn't be the one in the delivery room, but that at 8 months along, I didn't know who would! He referred me to another GP who does deliver, but I figure if I have to be referred to ANYONE else, it only makes sense for it to be an OB/GYN. Trying to find an OB/GYN with only 4 weeks until D-Day is a little unnerving. With no time to make a decision based on preference, I am relying on advice and suggestions as to who I choose. After a few friends had good things to say about one Doctor, I got my referral changed, and will hopefully get in to see him in the next week.

In other news, my little Cameron is growing up! He will my turning 2 in 2 weeks time. We have a pool party booked for him, and he has some awesome presents lined up! He has such a great little personality, and is always on the go. We are so lucky to have him in our family.


The Tolmans said...

First time I have read your blog. What a fun writer you are! Love that your having a girl. Shes going to be a cutie!

Grorc said...

David was (and is) the perfect child. Everything went smooth with him. It all went down the drain when #2 showed up. We love her to death but her nick-name is Elizabeast. Best of luck with this one. :)