Friday, September 10, 2010

The top first?

At almost 10 months old, it's hard to believe Cameron is still not sporting any teeth! I have done my research though...and it's supposedly a good thing. For him AND me! I am certainly one of the few "still-nursing-at-10-months" mothers, who has no chance of a swift nipple bite.

Unfortunately for him, he has been teething on and off for a while. Months in fact. Lately though, it's definitely been more "on".

I have a habit of trying to see what's going on in there. He's caught on, and clamps his lips tight so I can't sneak a finger in to feel around. Naturally, I was peeking on his bottom gums until I caught a glimpse of him laughing....and look what I found...

While there are still no actual teeth, there is a definite explanation for the discomfort I can quite obviously see my little man in...and trust him to do it all his own way!

1 comment:

Jarmans! said...

Awww So cute! Go Cameron Go! Teething is so terrible for them :(