Monday, August 10, 2009

Almost 2 years later....

In September of 2007, I decided it would be a good idea to sign Clark and I up for a blog...and it's taken me a good 23 months to do anything with it! I had hoped to chalk my laziness up to "Blogging" being so damn difficult, but it turns out that when you actually try, it's not that hard at all!

It's in fairly good timing though. Despite having not blogged many important events since Clark and I have been married, it seems I am still in time for the most important experience of all; the birth of our first child. It is still a good 3 months until D-Day, and I'm happy to have finally set up our blog before I have NO time left on my hands to figure this thing out!

For now though, this summer has been spent out here in Regina, SK. It's been a successful year, but we are sure excited to get back home! It's been a very low key summer for me, especially being pregnant, so for the next 3 weeks anyway, I should have plenty of opportunity to update the blog! We'll see how I manage!

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