First item of business...the bump is no more. Contrary to how I felt at the time, I was not pregnant forever. We welcomed Cameron Clark Platt into the world on November 11th 2009. He was a hefty 8lbs 2oz, and 21 1/4 inches long. Mama's visit was scheduled for the 9th in the hopes that the bundle of joy would already have arrived. I was impatient by a week after the due date, and Mama wasn't going to be around forever, so I elected to be induced.
My labor was 7 hours...almost exactly. I was induced for the second time at 1:30 in the afternoon, and the contractions started immediately. I finally got the epidural at about 7:00, and Cameron was born at 8:22pm. Because of the H1N1 epidemic, only Clark was allowed in the hospital, so I asked my doctor to be let out asap so I could get home. I was out of the hospital 15 hours later, and back at the mall a day later!
6 months later, and my cute little guy is doing great! He has been a great sleeper from the start, sleeping through the night on occasion since a couple weeks old. Cameron is an extremely agile, active little fella. He has wanted to be standing up since day 1. He rolled from tummy to back at 5 weeks, back to tummy at 3 1/2 months, and learnt to sit up alone at 5 1/2 months. He had his first babysitter at 1 month old, first swim when Grandma and Grandad Macmillan came to visit at 7 weeks old, and went on his first airplane at 4 1/2 months, when we took a family trip to Vegas. He started solids at 4 months, and has graduated up to fruits and vegetables....he especially likes his strawberries!
Now, he is rolling around all over the place, has started pulling his knees up, and has been up on all fours several times lately. Needless to say, I have no idea how I am going to keep up with this kid when he DOES start moving! He loves jumping in his jungle gym, napping in his swing, he loves to blow raspberries with his tongue and scream VERY LOUDLY...especially with Daddy. He REALLY likes food, and eats like a little piggy...though I can't seem to keep an ounce on the child! He is constantly in the 80-90th percentile for height, and 20th for weight!!
On to other matters. The summer has begun, and we have left our little home again...this time for Ottawa. It's beautiful here. There are rivers, lakes, canals, and plenty of trees. The weather has been gorgeous since our arrival, and we've already done a little sightseeing downtown. I spend my days outside for the most part. There is a nice park by the canal, and also a beach, both a 5 minute walk from our apartment. Cameron and I have already been swimming at the beach! It was so hot last week.
There will be plenty to do this summer, so I'll do my best to keep the blog up to date! I can't guarantee anything though!