Saturday, January 8, 2011

These are a few of our favourite things...

Since I have been somewhat slacking again, and before it gets any worse! are our favourite parts of the last 3 months!

1. We're together as a family again...ALL the time...and we LOVE it! As good as APX is to us, it's hard to have our family separated. We are enjoying spending all day, every day together!

2. Cameron got some teefies! A couple posts ago I mentioned that he was getting his top teeth through. He was somewhat of a late bloomer, but he now has 2 top, 2 bottom, with more coming through as we speak. Unfortunately, he does get quite sick, but it's all worth it in the end.

3. I finally got rid of my ridiculously annoying Samsung flip-phone! Awful. Awful, awful, awful phone. About 2 years ago, Daisy managed to find my then Motorola Krzr, and destroyed it! So I rode out the rest of my contract on the cheapest available phone as a replacement. It really wasn't a horrible phone bar one thing. The texting. Oh my goodness, the texting. After months of spontaneously having the message erased WHILE I WAS WRITING IT, I finally had enough credits to upgrade my piece of crap, to the current love of my life; complete with pink bumper.

4. Cameron turns 1! What a big boy he is! Well...make that tall! On his 1 year birthday, he was 50th percentile for weight; at 21 1/2 lbs, and 90th for height; at 31 inches.

His first birthday party was a big deal for his Mama! I may have gone a little overboard, but I loved it! For example; I started planning his birthday cake back in August! I came up with a few ideas, and found a great website with a fondant recipe. I seriously enjoyed making it, despite it taking me 4 hours to decorate!

I had a slideshow going on the TV of his past year, and also reconnected with my crafty side, Clark has spent years trying to suppress! I made a little chart with photos of my little cutie, stats, and fun facts.

Unfortunately, he had another tooth make an appearance right before his big day, and he was a very sick puppy the day of his party. :( You could tell he really wanted to participate, and open presents, but he was just too unwell.

Daddy sure enjoyed getting loves from the normally "not-so-cuddly" little guy though!

5. December 9th; Our 4th anniversary. It's weird...I always think we've been married much longer...and then I realize that we have really been together for over 6 years. Still...whether it's 4 or 6, I still love him. He's still great, still sweet, still thoughtful, still helpful, and still thinks I'm hot.

There might well be a theme emerging here, but I was really quite sick on our anniversary. Clark had some meetings up in Calgary, so we all made the journey up there, and Cameron and I did a little mall hopping/Christmas shopping while he worked. The day ended the way every good anniversary should, with me puking out the window of the truck in downtown Calgary traffic. Special. Clark made me feel all better with his gift though;

6. Christmastime. I love my tree! It's still a work in progress, but I love it. Despite it consuming 2 entire days to put up, and take down, I can't wait to do it. Clark gets queasy thinking about storing decorations for 11 months of the year, but I know he loves it too!

The Christmas season involves the following for us;
- Lots of baking! Caramels, chocolate/caramel covered pretzels, cupcakes, brownies, sugar cookies etc.
- Shopping! Christmas shopping is my favourite. Who doesn't love a good excuse to spend money! It's a little tough always shopping for one side of the family who is away, but lucky for them, I love online shopping too!
- Christmas Eve. The night before Christmas is always the most magical. We are creating a family tradition of Christmas PJ's for our kids. Cameron is of course the first to participate in this, and opened his snowman sleeper to wear while waiting for Santa's showing! Another Christmas Eve tradition is "Elf". Clark and my fave Christmas movie.
- Snow, sledding and skating!

Cameron sure did well this Christmas! What a lucky little boy he is! Lots of toys, clothes, and blankets. Clark and I bought ourselves some furniture for the house. A dining table and chairs, bedroom set, and TV.

7. Cameron's first steps! He seemed to be quite content with crawling...perhaps walking holding onto one of our fingers, but last night, out of nowhere, he walked a toy over to me! All of a sudden, he's a clever little guy, and has been walking back and forth between Clark and I, all day. He's getting a little more brave every time, and it wont be long before he ditches the crawling altogether!